Saturday, October 5, 2019

Application of Management Functions to a Case Study

Application of Management Functions to a - Case Study Example As a new manager, I would choose planning to guide me in the management of the hospital. In any business or an organization, entity that focuses on growth and offering quality services to their customers planning is essential (Kerzner, 2013). According to Kerzner, (2013) planning is one of the basic management functions; it involves the use of the available resources to ensure maximum production of goods or solving of peoples wants and needs. Planning ensures maximization of the resources available for production. Additionally, it ensures that the economies of scale are optimized to ensure growth of the organization. Since the merging brings together two entities with different philosophies and way of doing things, planning will be essential to adopt them into our ways of doing things. Additionally, we have to absorb some of the staff who was working in the small hospital. Absorbing the staff can only be possible through effective planning (Kerzner, 2013). Further, Johnson (2013) stated that planning ensures that our goals are clearly set to prevent any conflicts of interest in the newly merged hospital. I will ensure that the goals outlined clearly by writing and follow up to ensure, all the responsible people work hard to ensure the realization of the goals. Additionally, it can come up with a proposal by which the hospitals goals are pinned on all notice boards of the entire hospital. A goal also doubles up as the objectives of the hospital. Objectives are the laid down principles that act as a guide to every organization success. The success of any organization is measured through; the achievements are compared to the set goals. After the merger of the two hospitals, my main goals will include. To increase the number of staff, to start an expanded laboratory facility and to come up with a new registry that will be holding all the records of patients and their affiliates. Secondly, planning shall be essential in my efforts in setting down of

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